Sunday, November 11, 2007


Here is a picture of Alex and me with my host family.

This is a picture of kids from my youth group.
For one of our projects we made planters for the school out of bambĂș!

This is the view from the mirador of our new pueblo.
Yes, that is a volcano in the background.

This is a group of us at the Laguna de Apoyo, the water filled volcano.

Here is picture of me and my
awesome hamock that Alex got me for
my birthday! We will be spending a lot of time in these.

Here is Alex and his hammock. Yes, I am now "Alejandro".

Alex and the guys of Nica 45 Environment.
Notice that there are only 4 of them in our group. (R-L: Cris, Alex, Shunpei, and Jason)

Me and the girls of Nica 45 Environment.
We are pretty much the best group ever :)
Alex and his host family. His little niece has the cutest laugh in the world. Note: Nicaraguans smile all the time, but they usually tend not to in pictures. No, this is not because they believe pictures steal your soul. Rather, they just don't get a lot of opportunities to get pictures taken, so those they do have are a big deal.

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures! The next ones will be from the swearing in ceremony!

1 comment:

George Stockwell said...

Hi Alex and Kaitlyn,
My name is George Stockwell. I'm Becky Sullivan's dad. You may remember me from some of the Sullivan family functions.
I've been enjoying your blogs very much. I've created a link on my blog spot on my website to you so others are reading you too.
I'm very happy to hear you're OK after your encounter with the scorpion, Kaitlyn. Please be careful and best of luck to you both in the Peace Corps.
Best Regards,