Sunday, October 12, 2008

The New Veterans

This month we've been busy with assuming the new role as veteran Peace Corps volunteers. It seemed only yesterday that the two of us arrived here. However, we were forced to do a lot of reflecting on last year and recognize how far we've come once the new group of trainees arrived last month. Since then we've been occupied every week with giving workshops, hosting trainees in our house, and answering all the same questions we asked a year ago. The one year mark seems to be bringing about a lot of changes in outlook, and a lot of reassurance. We're able to quit worrying so much about where we need to be, in terms of language ability and assimilation, and focus more on the relationships we've made and the activities that we enjoy most. As many people told us at the beginning, the second year of service appears that it will be easier and even more enjoyable than the first.


Rebecca said...

I love you guys!

Unknown said...

Way to go! Experience as much as you can! Life is way to short. Relationships with people often define how rich your life will be. Go for it. We are so proud of you guys.

Love, Aunt Sharyn, Uncle Stan and Zachary