Friday, May 9, 2008

Dad and Kara Visit!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting once again, but we have been fairly busy. Recently, Dad and Kara came to visit and we had a blast touring Granada, zip-lining through the canopy at Volcan Mombacho, and hanging out at the beach at San Juan Del Sur! Here are a few pics for you to enjoy but Kara has most of the good ones on her camera so bug her or check out facebook! We miss you all and please keep in touch!

Sister love :)
Kara and Alex enjoying the Nica beverage of choice: TONA
Hanging out with Dad and Kara in San Juan Del Sur!
Alex and Kaitlyn :) Don´t you miss us?!?!?!

View from the top of Volcan Mombacho!
Hiking at Mombacho!
View of Mombacho from Granada!
San Juan Del Sur!
Doing what we do best... hanging out at the beach!

Hope you enjoyed the pics! Keep in touch!

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