Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More Pictures!

Okay everyone, here are some more pictures! They are somewhat random, but we hope you enjoy them anyway!

Alex and our group from Norwalk after making our compost beds!

Alex leaving the field after a soccer game. Notice the field of dirt and weeds....

Alex and Chris are SO HAPPY!

My garden at one of my schools!

The kids from one of my schools and me after planting our garden!

An old church in Granada.
Folkloric dancers in Granada!

Olena and me in Granada!

Girl's at one of Alex's schools, getting water from the well.

Alex and Me at Playa Roca when my Mom and Krissy came to visit!

Sunset again at Playa Roca!

My mom and Krissy came to visit... so we got fun drinks!

My mom helping plant a garden in one of my schools!

Planting day at another one of my schools!

Kids working hard to sift dirt so we can plant our garden!

One of Alex's schools :) Yes, this boy is using a machete at school.

Cute little girl at one of Alex's schools.

View of the Church and park in Nagarote, where we live!

View of the boulevard in Nagarote.

Two cute little girls named Katerine and Lucia at one of my schools.

View of Volcan Mombotombo. I take this walk to get to one of my schools.

Class picture at one of my schools. In this school there are grades pre-school to sixth grade in the same classroom with one teacher.

We hope you enjoy the pictures and there will be more soon! Keep leaving your comments and keeping in touch. We love to hear from you! Adios!


Rebecca said...

I want to visit!

Dave and Sue Wright said...

Hi Alex anbd Kaitlyn, Your pictures remind me so much of our trips to Tanzania, Honduras and Bolivia. The frustrations are the same too--keep plugging away. These kids will remember you forever; they may even remember something you teach them! Sue and I are back from our adventure to New Zealand and are into the routine of work and friends in Buffalo. NZ already seems like a dream. We were hoping spring was waiting for us but afraid it's still winter. My first call back was to deliver a calf in a drafty barn with the temp at ten below. Hope you had a good Easter. Take care. Dave W.