Thursday, January 24, 2008

Things I´m missing the most right now...

I hope you have all been enjoying our pictures and I promise that more on on the way soon! In the meantime, I thought I would share with you a few of the things that I am REALLY missing right now!

Family: This obviously goes without saying but I just thought I would tell our families how much we are really missing you all. It is really easy to take your time together for granted but our time here has given us some time to reflect how lucky we are to have wonderful and supportive families. Thank you for everything and remember that we are always thinking about you!
Friends: We have been lucky to have met some amazing people while we have been here and have formed some great friendships with the other volunteers in our group but this doesn´t mean that we aren´t missing you guys like crazy! Our house is covered in pictures of you all and we sit around often and say ¨Man, I wish we were hanging out with our friends from home right now!¨ We wish you would send us some emails and let us know how you are doing! Keep in touch PLEASE! I know we are far away but we still want to be apart of your lives.
Seasons: Around Christmas it was the worst because all I really wanted to see was some snow! Since we arrived here at the end of the summer, and it is still hot here, it is like we have been living in a never ending summer. What I wouldn´t give for one cool day when I had to put on a hoodie and some boots! It would be really nice for a change to experience another temperature besides hot and even hotter.
GOOD FOOD: Typical Breakfast: Oatmeal, pancakes, and/or fruit. Typical Lunch: Rice and Beans. Typical Dinner: Chicken or Pasta or Mac-n-Cheese. That pretty much sums up our diet. I really miss being able to say ¨I want Chinese/ Pizza/ Steak/ Roast Beef/Hot Wings/ Salad/a sandwich/ Fish/ pretty much anything we want. We are every lucky in America to have access to such a wide range of food! What we wouldn´t give for a Pizza right now....
Good Movies: No we do not have a TV but our host family does and we have spent many a nights watching ¨classic pictures¨such as Seed of Chucky, Norbit, and The Wailer. All in Spanish by the way... Obviously we are really missing curling up on the couch with a nice bowl of popcorn and watching a really good flick.
Good Music: Nicaraguan do not like change. Therefore, they listen to the SAME songs, everyday, all the time. They also LOVE the corniest 80s love songs in either English or re-made in Spanish. These songs include, ¨Lady in Red,¨ ¨Total Eclipse of the Heart,¨ and any and every song by Celine Dion, especially ¨My heart will go on.¨

Okay, I am finished rambling for a bit. Being in Nicaragua really makes you appreciate many things you never thought you would about America. Enjoy a good movie and a Pizza for us (and a good beer for Alex!) Miss and love you all!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I miss you guys! what would we do without gchat?! another e-mail coming soon, promise :)