Thursday, December 20, 2007

Finding a House

Finding a house to rent in Nicaragua is unlike any other experience that I have ever had. At first, Alex and I used our host Mom to talk to people for us and see if they knew anyone who was renting a house. There are no signs here, or agencies, or even listings in the paper so you you need to rely on word of mouth. At first the general response was that there were absolutely NO houses to rent. Finally one turned up but it turned out to be a fixer-upper to put it mildly. We were feeling slightly discouraged but finally we decided to take matters into our own hands and just wander the streets and ask people. It was generally a good way to get to know people because it gave us an excuse to talk to them and get to know our town. However it was usually an exhausting experience that usually left our heads spinning as we walked all over town viewing one house or another. Here is a typical conversation that we had while trying to find a house.
Kaitlyn/Alex: Hello! We are Peace Corps Volunteers and we are going to live here for two years. We are looking for a house to rent. Do you know of any?
Nicaraguan#1: No, there are no houses to rent.
Nicaraguan #2: Yeah, there isn´t anything at all around here.
K/A: Oh really? That is too bad.
Nicaraguan #2: Well actually, isn´t there that house over there?
Nicaraguan #1: Oh yeah! Actually, my best friend´s, brother´s mother-in-law´s, cousin has an aunt whose friend´s Mom lives in Miami and they might want to rent their house! Do you live near Miami?
K/A: Really? That´s great! Where is the house? And no, we actually are not from Miami.
Nicaraguan #2: Okay, well you go 3 blocks down that way, go past the old church that used to be there but isn´t there anymore, then go right for 2 and a half blocks right near Rosa´s house and where they sell tortillas but there isn´t a sign, then on the left side there is a house about halfway down the street, you should go ask for Juan. He can take you to the house.
K/A: Uhh, okay wow thanks. What color is the house?
Nicaraguan #1: I don´t remember. But its real easy to find. Just go to that street and ask for Juan.
K/A: Thanks!

Okay, so that was basically how it went. There are no street signs here or addresses. Finally though, Alex and I managed to find a house that is too big for us but it is comfortable and has a BIG patio with fruit trees. We even have a spare room so we expect many visitors! We have nothing to fill our house right now except our clothes, a fridge, a fan, and a stove. Next on our list is that we need to buy a bed and if our host family does not take us to get one we will have to transport the bed on a bus which should be another adventure. We will move into the new house in January and then we will post pictures. We love and miss you all and are sad that we can´t be home for the holidays :( Thanks to everyone that sent packages! It is really much appreciated. We miss you all! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story! Looking for a house sounds like a great experience. I definitely am looking forward to some pictures. One question though Kaitlyn, why is Alex making you do all of the writing!?!?!