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These are the posts of Alex and Kaitlyn Fuller-Young during their time spent in Nicaragua serving as Environmental Educators for the Peace Corps. The contents of this website are ours personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.
Hi Alex and Kaitlyn,
My name is Shelby Boyle, and I was searching for some Peace Corps blogs on this site. I was looking for Peace Corps in Nicaragua, and lo and behold, here were the two of you! I work with an NGO called Libros para un mundo mejor/Books for a Better World in Phoenix, Arizona, and we pair with a non-profit, Libros para ninos, in Jinotepe (Carazo), not far from Leon and Nagarote at all. We work in children's literacy and on literacy projects (all Spanish language literature books, story books, etc. for ages 4 ish to about 18ish, depending on reading level).
I am currently in El Salvador right now working but will be in Nicaragua around the 17th. It looks like both of you are in the education sector of some sort in PC. I am interested in working with more PC in Nicaragua, since we had from 2000 to 2005 in San Isidro, Nueva Segovia, etc. But they had cycled out of the area, and it proved to be difficult to maintain contacts with certain people without structure to the program.
Please let me know if you are interested (, or if you know other PC volunteers interested in education projects.
Thank you!
PS is our base site and in Nicaragua!
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