This is our patio and lavadora where we wash our dishes! The other cement block is our grill where we cook over a wood fire using a metal fan cover.
Here is our sala (living room). Note Alex on the hammock (his favorite spot). We also have decorated our home with lots of pictures of everyone so send us more!
This is the middle room where we keep my hammock.
Yes, that is a yellow gas tank for our stove.
This is our beautiful kitchen.....
And finally, this is our bedroom, complete with mosiquito net! Notic that everything else is on the floor, as we do not have enough money right now to buy a dresser.
That completes the tour of our new home! We hope you enjoyed this adventure and now you can picture us here with some more ease. Miss you all!
Uh...well it keeps the rain off and the scorpians away, right?
oops! Misspelled scorpion!
What an adventure! It sounds as though you are really living the experience. Good for you.
Aunt Sharyn
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