In the middle are Bobbi and Suzy who did a traditional Nica dance!
Notice his cool traditional Nica shirt!
He has his hands full with us!
We hope that you enjoy the pictures and we promise that since we are back from gallivanting around that we will be in touch more often. These next few months will be hard because we really do not have that much to do. We are really supposed to be getting to know our community and doing our community analysis tools (you really don´t want us to explain). Alex is looking forward to the slow-paced life but I am going to go crazy so please write to me A LOT! Thanks to everyone that is reading the blog, and we appreciate your feedback! Miss and love you all tons!
Kaity and Alex,
We are all very proud of you both. Keep the info flying. We are at Mike and Becky's for the UCONN game and we checked out your blog. Way the new shorter hair!
Love and Kisses,
Aunt Sharyn and Zach (from CT)
Kaity and ALex,
I miss you both. I know you are going to your new place and you will be happy. With a little help (like Aunt Sharyn typing), I will keep in touch. Technology is not my forte (ha!ha!).
So happy to see you guys are doing so well! We all at NCSE miss you in the office Alex! ~Rachel
Hi Alex,
Three wives already! Boy, you're really taking to this marriage thing, ain'tcha?
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