Monday, October 26, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Sorry to all for being extremely irregular with our blog posts. These last few months have been really busy with closing out our PC service. To summarize quickly all the picture from the last post...Kaitlyn and I went on a trip to the island of Ometepe, which is a large island formed by two volcanoes in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. It was a great time and we were glad we finally made it to this very popular, yet very tranquilo destination. We also attended the wedding of our of our fellow PC volunteers, which was also a great time as are all the gatherings that bring our group of Nica 45 Env. Ed. volunteers together. The two of us are also in the process of saying goodbye to the teachers and students that we've been working with for two years. The good-bye parties include a treasure hunt and piƱata with the students. These have been the saddest good-byes, there is no explaining with words the look of sadness on a kid's face when they realize that they might never see you again.

As of late we have been stressed with planning our second annual HIV/AIDS fair, which went off just last Friday. We put a whole lot of work into the fair this year and it truly paid off.
The fair was much bigger and received much more support and participation than last year. There were sports, music, and dancing competitions. Over 150 HIV tests were administered. We had a band play a concert at night. The community, including the mayor, was very pleased and excited to continue the fair in the following year.

As of today we have exactly 10 days left in Nagarote. It took a while for the fact that we were leaving to sink-in since we have been so busy. There is a strong mix of excitement and sadness in our leaving. We have a 40 day trip to South America, returning to family and friends, going to grad school, and finding a job (hopefully) to look forward to. Yet we are leaving a people, language, and way of life that have become our own for the last two years. Although so much of what we have gained will go with us, it is strange to think that much of what we have learned in the last two years will cease to apply the moment we step on the plane.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weddings, Trips, Trees, and much more...

Fun at the wedding.

On the ferry to the island of Ometepe, which can be seen in the background.

Parrots...evil parrots...

Maderas volcano on the island of Ometepe.

Evening swimming at Charco Verde on the island of Ometepe.

Monkeys at Charco Verde.

Independence Day parade on Ometepe.

Independence Day parade at the foot of Conception Volcano on Ometepe.

Drawing water from the well on the beach in Salinas Grande.

Getting ready for the pinata.

Giving instructions before the scavenger hunt.

Tree delivery day at school.

Tree delivery day, giving a mango tree to one of my teachers.

Drawing their own island, containing all the natural resources
they would need to survive.
Home-made seed beds.

One of my teachers, now taking the reins and leading a class activity.

Kevin, enjoying the new books.