Sunday, September 14, 2008

Estelí Trip




Shunpei contemplating suculents at La Casita

Where the valley meets the mountains

One Year In-Country Trip

Independence Day

Folkloric Dance

The original 5 independent countries of Central America.


The boss

The kids at one of my schools, my teacher, and the boss.


Hey everyone! I know it has been awhile since you have heard from us, but we thought we would give a mini-update onh how things have been going lately. I guess the theme of this post will be time.
The most interesting thing is that on August 29th we celebrated one-year in country with our group in San Juan Del Sur. It is hard to believe that we have already been here a year. Day to day life seems to move pretty slowly, especially in the heat, but before we know it another month has passed. We offically now have about 14 months left of our Peace Corps service. On the one hand, that number seems pretty daunting knowing that we are going to be away from our homes for so much longer even though we have been gone a year already. On the other hand when we think of all things that we still want to accomplish, it doesn´t seem like nearly enough time.
On another note, the new group of volunteers from our sector arrived on September 5th! We are no longer the newbies and it is our job to help train the new group and show them the ropes of Peace Corps. Because Alex and I live so close to Managua, Peace Corps has recruited us to do alot of work with the new group and we will be having several Trainees visit our site on Tuesday to learn how to make a Vivero (tree nursery). It is hard to remember that this time last year, we were the scared trainees, trying to figure it all out.
My Birthday... yep I will be spending my second birthday in Nicaragua! By then end of my service, I will have had three birthday´s here. When you think about how much you grow and change in three birthdays, it boggles my mind to think about how different I am now than when I first came here and how different I may be when I am finished my service. When I entered Peace Corps, I was in my early 20s, ready for an adventure and when I leave Peace Corps I will be 25 and ready to start another chapter in my life.
On Dec 21st, in 99 days, Alex and I will return for 2 weeks to celebrate Christmas with friends and family! We are really looking forward to seeing everyone and can´t wait for these days to fly to help with some of our homesickness.
Finally, to end this rambling post, a little bit about friendship. True friendship stands the test of time and distance. Being here has enabled us to really reflect on our relationships with other people, both in Nicaragua and at home. We know that distance, time, and different life experiences can make it difficult to keep up friendships but I believe that when all is said and done, that at the end of this journey, your true friends will be waiting for you at the other side. We miss everyone and strongly encourage keeping in touch. We love to hear about your lives and adventures back home so please keep us posted. We love you and will hopefully see you in December!

Just a friendly reminder of our address down here because our box has been empty for months and months....

Kaitlyn Fitzpatrick
Alex Fuller-Young
Apartado Postal 366
León, Nicaragua
America Central